12 Days of Freebies Day Eleven

The Freebie for December 11th is...

The Life Pyramid

Simple Schooling: The Life Pyramid introduces students to the hierarchy of life as they get ready to study high school biology.  The unit begins with atoms and molecules then proceeds to connect the dots between cells, tissues, and organs.  Finally, the student learns that all these things create an organism which requires specific internal instructions to be maintained on a consistent basis.  There are 6 vocabulary exercises, 6 online games, and one final test to see how well they have integrated the material.

This unit has no prerequisites and should be completed as a basic introduction before other biology unit studies.

Click Here to access the interactive unit


You will need to have Flashplayer 8.0 or above installed on your computer to view the interactive unit studies.

You can find that here if necessary.



This title has been taken off-sale everywhere and is only available today.

This file is INCLUDED with the K-12 Unit Study Subscription

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A lot of people don't know that I have a Masters Degree in Forensic Toxicology and this course comes straight from my graduate course notes and assignments! The Simple Schooling Forensic Science course will captivate your CSI obsessed kids and turn them on to the world of REAL crime scene investigation. They'll go behind the scenes and discover the many faces of Forensic Science including:

  •     Crime scene Investigation
  •     Death Investigation
  •     Procedure and Protocols at the Crime Scene
  •     The Autopsy Investigation
  •     The Toxicology Investigation
  •     Ballistics, Toolmarks, and Firearms
  •     Forensic Science Career Development
  •     How to Solve a Case Study Crime
  •     Expert Witnesses
  •     Forensic Entomology, Anthropology, and Dentistry
  •     AND MORE!


  •     20 Units total
  •     PDF Download
  •     240 Pages
  •     FREE Parent Guide
  •     Includes various self exploration activities
  •     Detailed Case Study to Solve
  •     All Inclusive Text and Workbook
  •     Lessons are designed for grades 8-12
  •     Can be modified to work with ANY schedule with ZERO effort from you

 $9.99 Add to Cart


Click to get the K-12 unit study susbcription on sale.

Simple Schooling will be selling the K-12 Subscription from Black Friday (November 29th) through December 13.  This is the LAST TIME the K-12 subscription will be offered.

Sale prices for Black Friday ($35 for the one year subscription - reg. price: $72.75) will only be good from 8 AM-12 Midnight MST

Sale Prices for the remainder of the purchase window ($45 for the one year subscription - reg. price: $72.75) will be in effect from 12:01 AM Saturday November 30, through 11:59 PM Friday, December 13th.

After December 13, NO MORE subscriptions will be sold until May 2014 during Open House.

In May 2014 the following subscriptions will be offered, plus several new ones that target specific topics.

  • Classical Nature Study
  • Middle School Physics
  • Anatomy & Physiology (NEW for 2014)

IMPORTANT - If you currently have a subscription for the K-12 at the old site, THIS ONE WILL NOT ADD TO THAT

The reason is that every K-12 subscription (with the exception of one or two people who bought far into the future) will expire next December. This subscription is going away permanently and absolutely no more K-12 subscriptions will be sold after December 13th,  2013.