

 The glycolysis unit study is the first in a three part series on cellular respiration.  This is a high school level unit that covers substrates and enzymes, how the contribute to the overall reaction, as well as the individual enzymes and substrates for each of the 10 steps in glycolysis.  The main objective of this unit study to to facilitate the memorization of each step, enzyme, and substrate in glycolysis.  There are many step by step animations and to make memorization even easier - a special packet of worksheets are also included.  Have your student complete the interactive lessons and activities first - then they can print out as many worksheets as they require.  

Glycolysis Interactive Unit Study

 Glycolysis Worksheets

 To use the glycolysis worksheets follow the steps below:

  1. View the unit study and complete the interactivities.
  2. Print out the worksheets and study pages 1-2.
  3. Fill in each worksheet using pages 1-2 as a guide
  4. Study the pathway again.
  5. When you are ready print out another set of worksheets - this time trying to fill them in from memory.
  6. Repeat step 5 as many times as is necessary.

 Optional Resources


 Animation II